Friday, July 15, 2011

LIFE System Lies and Device Fraud

By Laima Jonusiene,
June 27, 2011 -- Updated 0518 GMT (1718 HKT)

(BUK SVE) Here is an example of the claims made by the LIFE system, and a discussion of the Major health care medical device Fraud they are perpetrating. 

Excerpt from Life advertising:

The LIFE System is conceptually based upon Bioenergy (i.e.:chi) Acpuncture and traditional meridians which represent the paths of flow of this energy. Factors which may inhibit peak performance and general vitality: 

Thoughts of self doubt
Nutritional deficiencies
Toxic stress factors:
Chemical agents ( pesticides, cleaners)
Heavy metals
Prescription drugs
Synthetic compounds (artificial sweeteners, food color)
Geopathic stressors
Bio field contamination, Micro Waves, EFTs

The LIFE System is a 5 point, 12-channel, harness system similar to ElectroDermalScreening (EDS) technology and a software system which has in excess of 7000 different and unique frequencies programmed within. In mainstream medical terms this device may be called a versatile Bio Feedback device. 

They Claim to be able to tell you about your organs, spine, vertebrae, nerves, heart, allergens, toxicities and a wide range of diagnostic criteria. Due Diligence will find if this is true.

Pictures like this tell us incredible things about the body, But is this true or an incredible lie?

We sought to research with due diligence and present the findings of our report to the public. We first heard of this device in an article we did on Google search engine allowing fraudulent devices to be advertised next to real accredited devices. (see Google close to settling U.S. drug and fraud medical device ad probe, article)
In this research we stumbled on a story that we thought the public should know about. The primary way of selling this fraudulent medical device called the LIFE system was to place Google ads next to another device called the SCIO. So our first due diligent process was to investigate the SCIO and ask serious questions about its operation.
The SCIO device started registration in 1989 as the EPFX. This was controversial but in the 1989 registration we see the following.
FDA 510 (k) registration for the EPFX was obtained on October 13, 1989. The following is an excerpt from the original office 510(k) application:

“The EPFX measures the Electro-Physiologic Reactivity intensity of the patient to many QQC trivector voltammetry patterns. These are patterns of reactions to Sarcodes, Nosodes, Allersodes, Isodes, Nutritional, Herbals, Imponderable and Classic Homeopathics. The reaction patterns or profiles can relate disturbances of the patient. Therapies can then be arranged to develop harmonic reactions,
desensitizations, biological resonance or rectification processes. All of these are applied and managed through biofeedback application. Biofeedback is the operation that allows for the cybernetic loop to of systemic feedback. The only indicated use of this device and all claims related to this device are under biofeedback. The loop of measured reaction and bio-varied resonance response allow for a true feedback for self corrective Electro-Physiological therapy. Hence it is called the Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid.”
The CE mark Class 2 registration includes
The following excerpt is from the medical claims part of the SCIO CE Mark:

“The SCIO is indicated for use as a Universal Electrophysiological Biofeedback System. The Universal Electrophysiological Biofeedback System is made up of the following Eight Universal Items which are functions of the SCIO:
1. Stress Reduction and Lifestyle Stressors Questionnaire;
2. Simple EEG [electroencephalography] biofeedback brain wave stress reduction;
3. Three-pole ECG [electrocardiography] simple heart awareness and biofeedback stress reduction;
4. EMG [electromyography] biofeedback for simple reeducation of muscles;
5. GSR [galvanic skin response] biofeedback and TVEP [transcutaneous voltammetric evoked potential] biofeedback (electrophysiological reactivity);

Since GSR biofeedback requires a microcurrent voltammetric stimulation to measure GSR, then the microcurrent has the following secondary Therapeutic functions which function as performed through the biofeedback loop:

6. Microcurrent Transcutaneous electro nerval stimulation (MENS) for pain reduction in the cybernetic biofeedback loop, Cranial Electro Stimulation (CES) for anxiety and addiction;
7. Trauma or wound healing in the biofeedback loop;
8. Global Voltammetric Charge Stability in the biofeedback loop”
Here clearly is registration for the ability to measure Electro-Physiological Reactivity (EPR) and or Transcutaneous Voltammetric Evoked Potential (TVEP). Reactions of nosodes, isodes, sarcodes, allersodes, nutritional products herbals etc are outlined and validated in the FDA and CE registration. No such claim is validated for the LIFE system which is registered only as a simple biofeedback system. There is no permission for the LIFE system to make the claims made by the SCIO. This is why they need to put their advertisements next to the SCIO.

So what was the science behind this technique of remedy reaction? Well we were told of a QQC trademarked device that measures the voltammetric signature of items. Voltammetry is a science of Electrochemistry where items have a distinct electro-magnetic static field that can be detected with electrodes. We were shown several patents for a device known as the QQC which was trademarked in America in the 1990’s and now internationally trademarked. This multi patented device can measure the Three Dimensional field of a substance and convert it into an electro matrix. We confirmed trademarks and patents as part of our due diligence. The science was outlined in several studies published in peer reviewed medical journals, books and medical textbooks. Every item appearing in the SCIO matrix was first purchased or procured, prepared, tested and results recorded in a professional record in a CE registered voltammetric device. All was done to CE quality standards for the SCIO. Over twenty independent medical doctors validated the QQC. All of this was critically confirmed as true with our due diligent investigation.

The LIFE system had none of this. Our investigation found that they falsely claim equivalence to the SCIO and NONE of the voltammetric testing was ever done. There was no purchase of product, no scientific testing, no record keeping; Life system was doing a complete fraud.

This led us to the question of how LIFE started. Well a salesman of the SCIO system Chris Keser was dissatisfied and he criminally counterfeited 35 checks made out to the SCIO people. A warrant for his arrest was made in Hungary. He purchased an old obsolete 1992 software of the SCIO made before the QQC voltammetric signatures and before the subspace system. He made it to look like the SCIO in every way. But it looked similar but did not do the functions. When Ryan Williams worked for the SCIO people he ran up a bill of over $750,000 dollars and could not pay. He took money fraudulently and the police were called in. His family bailed him out and he started working with the LIFE people. Now the lies ensued and accelerated. Ryan Williams told people the LIFE system was the same but our investigation has shown his lies are pervasive. He was slick and evasive but our investigation got to the heart of the LIFE fraud.
Ryan said that the SCIO system used a random number generator to determine reactions, but we told him we saw extensive evidence for the Voltammetry, a CE marked system, complete records of product purchase and testing, research, patents, for over 20 years. We found out that Ryan was just trying to spread a rumor. We found out that this false rumor of a random number generator was being spread by the competition who were afraid of SCIO’s true technology.

If people knew the truth and could see the technology SCIO has and the lies the competition tell then they would be quite angry at LIFE and the other companies telling these lies.

The SCIO people started collecting and measuring the items in the matrix in 1985. They showed us receipts for over a million dollars spent on collecting enzymes, vitamins, hormones, sarcodes (Organic healthy tissue), nosodes (unhealthy and diseased tissue), microorganisms, and over 11,000 items. Each item tested with a CE registered voltammetric device that is made to operate like your tongue in analyzing the electric signature shape of the substance. An incredible technology fully researched, double blind tested, scientifically validated and CE registered. After over twenty years of research this technology is now in a European Medical University curriculum. We were shown over 200 professional medical doctor studies most using double blind techniques, all published in International approved peer reviewed medical journals. We were shown over 75 medical textbooks. Our due diligence found these medical textbooks to have proper library numbers, medical university clearance, faculty approval and to fit all professional criteria. Many of these books are over 1000 pages of quality science. Here are some of the University faculty certified medical textbooks that apply to the body electric and Reactivity:

The first of these books was published in 1982 by Prof Nelson. The QQC technique was revealed in 1992 at the Royal Society of Medicine in London England. The science is extremely extensive. The cost of doing these studies and publications are at a value of hundreds of millions of dollars. One series of studies were done by over 2,000 medically supervised therapists on over 97,000 patients, for over 300,000 patient visits on over 220 different diseases. A very costly and comprehensive study that validated the clinical results.

 The SCIO technology is so extremely meticulous and scientific that it is no wonder Prof Nelson has been nominated for the Noble Prize in Medicine for the last 15 years, a fact we confirmed with the nominating party. In fact our investigation of Prof Nelson showed that the slander about him was prompted by people selling fraudulent devices. LIFE systems writes disgusting lies with rumors and innuendos about Nelson that petty children would hesitate to write. They do this to divert attention from their fraud.

The LIFE system has no credentialed studies, no double blind testing, no peer reviewed journal articles, none of the professional science of the SCIO. The LIFE system Fraud is to place its adverts next to the SCIO, make a counterfeit system that looks just like the SCIO only has no real technology just aberrant signals coming out of it, tell every lie you can and offer a reduced price which is easy if you never invested a penny in science, or validation or publication. In other words complete fraud.

The bottom line today in our litigious society where you can sue anybody, is a key Question:


Whatever organ you are told is involved or a remedy for it. In other words if your LIFE device says you have a problem in an organ say liver or you react to a remedy how does it know that. What would you say in court if that question was asked?

The SCIO Company gave us a detailed massive history of science, studies, double blinds, research, peer reviewed publications, medical textbooks, CE and USA registrations clearly and definitively saying it was legal and scientific. The SCIO people made no reference to any other company whatsoever.
The LIFE system people went into fear. Ryan Williams went into a mumble mouth spurt of nonsensical pseudo science that would make any two faced politician proud. It became clear he did not really understand any of the science of which he was misquoting. We advised him that his comments would be reviewed by the federal criminal inquiry into Google false advertising.

He got to a point where he started to bad mouth Prof Nelson, and we had to say this is just a due diligent investigation to discover how the LIFE device validates what it says and not a personal attack. The LIFE system spoke more about SCIO than their own system. We told him it is better to answer these with us than in court where he could go to jail for perpetrating the fraud on LIFE buyers.

Our due diligent investigation then revealed: The most if not all of the items in the LIFE matrix were never purchased, never tested, never validated, and never recorded. No system of product testing could be presented or described. No records of this could be found. It was Fraud. There was no scientific evidence, no double blind studies, no properly done studies of effectiveness, and not even an attempt at professionalism could be found. The registration of the device was just as a simple biofeedback which when operating it had no look of biofeedback. Ryan said there was science and testing and we later found out this was all a lie as he admitted to having falsified his first response. This was just a bogus hoax all set up to look like the SCIO and capitalize on the work done by SCIO people.

We had discovered LIFE’s complete Fraud, Chicanery, Deception and a Con-man Hoax of the worst nature. If you have a LIFE system and someone asks you in court to explain how it knows things, just reach for the checkbook and pay before you look like a fool.
People say the LIFE system works. The LIFE system knows that 50% or so get effect from placebo. A little more if you charge for therapy. So the results from the LIFE system are merely placebo. Research done at independent laboratories has shown the LIFE system to even not be as accurate as placebo. In fact many people we spoke to did not get any results with the LIFE system and thus bad mouthed energetic medicine.
As our due diligent investigation has led us to see that there is an extensive registered science of reaction testing in the SCIO that has been patented, legally registered, properly validated, published in peer reviewed medical journals and appears in Medical University certified Textbooks. This technique is developed and used by the SCIO personnel.

The LIFE system does not have any clue even as to how it works. It became apparent they did not have any scientists who could even read the medical textbooks. They had no real Medical staff to even understand the operations. We found complete Fraud in the LIFE claims. Complicative was not just the fraud but the purposeful counterfeit copying the SCIO and then slandering of the developers of the technology.
For many of the readers who were victims of the LIFE hoax this article might not sit well. To reconfirm for yourself please ask a simple question: How do you test a remedy?
What is the scientific process of determining how a remedy is good for a patient? Ask any company to answer for themselves. Do not let a company speculate on how another company does it. But ask each company how they do it themselves. What is the science, the registration permission, the studies, the books, the history and the skill to measure a patient’s reaction to an item? When they give you anecdotal stories please be advised that is not evidence. Evidence today comes from professional properly supervised legal double blind research. It is a simple question of science and research to validate your claims with double blind evidence not stories.

Our due diligent thorough investigation of the SCIO was impressive and convincing in every fashion. The SCIO people showed us research, registrations, validations of the claim.  Our investigation of the LIFE system proved the LIFE to be a complete sham ill intent fraud. We have turned over all of our research to the federal criminal inquiry of Google’s advert acceptance from Fraudulent medical companies.

Ryan’s lies were quite slick and extensive but lies and frauds just the same. If anyone would want to sue him for these lies and get their money back we would be happy to be professional witnesses and testify to his fraud.


  1. yes Chris Keser does spin a good tale with no real answers and open ended possibilities. however the company is for sale if you would like to buy it. then you could get rich off suckers too.

  2. sounds like you are jelous that he has been able to slightly take advantage of stupid rich people all over the world. Hater...

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